
Dispatch from Vermont #3: Doll stroller as toddler smack.

Dear Z,

I was under the impression that this doll stroller ("every girl's dream!" says the package) would be a great addition to our time here in Vermont. You love to push things and we're totally out of great creative ideas for what to play with around here.

Little did I know that it would turn you into a crazed, growling, whining psycho-baby. You must have it. But when you have it, it makes you crazy. You must push it. But when you push it, it gets stuck! Or falls down! Or runs into things! Oh the horror! Oh the injustice! Let's whine and cry when we have it and then SCREAM when it is taken away. Why? Why not!

Seriously. Do they make a Stroller's Anonymous? 'Cause girl, you are ADDICTED.


Your Clueless But Hopeful Mama

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA! we went to an indoor playground and they had those there. all the playgroup mommies left saying "i think i need to get a doll stroller" because all the babes were OBSESSED. We're even in the process of planning a playgroup trip to Toys R Us to get some new toys and doll strollers. hahahah! :D

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