
Keeping Track- the Vermont Recap.

A complete, current and horribly impressive list of signs in Zland (*= acquired while in Vermont): water, milk, light, fan, helicopter, dog, eat, all done, more, shoe, book, fish, baby, gentle, phone, hot*, bird*, boat*, cat*, tree*, socks*, hat*, rabbit*, car*, rain*, elephant*

Number of words spoken by Z before we left for Vermont: 2 ("Dada" and "up")

Number of words spoken by Z after we returned from Vermont: uh, none. (I'm trying really hard not to worry about this one).

Inches grown by Z during our 6 weeks in Vermont: 1 and 1/2 (as measured on the board in the laundry room that everyone in my family has measured themselves on for the last 20 years.)

Most ounces of milk drunk by Z in one sitting during her new dairy-and-fruit-only diet: 16.

Number of days it took Z to stop screaming when her cousin Amelia approached her, touched her and shared her toys: about 6 and 1/2.

Number of days cousin A stayed at the lake house: 7.

CBHM's favorite new expression from Z: Whenever I ask her a question (usually of the "where are your shoes?" variety), she'll put one or both palms up and open her eyes big and wide. Now I know exactly what I must look like when I'm asking her questions.

Saddest way you know Daddy has been gone too much: Z hears me say "Daddy" and she signs "phone".

Clearest way to tell your child was born and raised in LA: Z heard the motorboats on the lake and signed "helicopter".

Best way to forget that you actually like living in Southern California: Spend 6 weeks in Vermont, with lush green trees, a cool refreshing lake, happy, nice people who don't lock their cars or homes, and visits from loads of friends and family.

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