
Avocado grinder, no mayo, extra pickles, OMG NOM NOM NOM

We now interrupt this regularly scheduled program ("All Nausea, All The Time!") to bring you an intense pregnancy craving, with dubious nutritional value of course:

I took a picture of the "after. It was pretty gross looking so I think I'll spare you. Just picture a few specs left, with grease and avocado smears all over the paper and the rest of it ALL IN MY BELLY.

I'm sure I'll be back to dry toast by dinner but still! Appetite!


Marie Green said...

That looks SO GOOD. I'm not pregnant but now I want one!

Anonymous said...

I would go out for lunch about once a week (on my own if no coworkers wanted to join me) to devour a Cuban sandwich, also extra pickles. Go with whatever makes your stomach happy!

Astarte said...

Hooray for an appetite!!!! Eat whatever you want to, girl!

Anonymous said...

that looks SO DARN GOOD WHERE DID YOU GET THAT? i have been craving quiznos. i can't wait til i'm able to eat cold cuts again!!! it's always when i'm preggo that i crave turkey sandwiches.

my cravings have been donuts and taco bell. that sandwich is 'healthy' compared to what i've been living on at times.


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