
Sucking, and lack thereof.

What royally sucked about my birthday:

That I went into it in a fairly bad mood because I hadn't slept well the night before due to brooding and fretting and worrying.

That I spent the morning stewing about a miscommunication/misunderstanding with my family over holiday plans that is basically all my fault. And that I did this while walking with my still vaguely sick and totally NOT VAGUELY teething toddler through a local botanical garden instead of going to my parenting education class that I was looking forward to.

That I was starting to feel very small and sorry for myself because of the sad, sad state of my pathetic little birthday. (wah)

What didn't royally suck about my birthday:

That lots of folks called and sent emails and cards and gifts and well wishes. My friends and family rock, even and especially the ones with whom I've miscommunicated/ misunderstood.

That my husband didn't tell me I was being a baby and should snap out of it but instead came home early so that I could take a little time out, we could all walk the dog as a family and we could all go out to dinner.

That my husband brought me the world's best cupcakes and even bought a whole bunch of mini ones for me to take to my class that I teach on Wednesday nights. Without me even suggesting or knowing about it.

That my husband had my daughter decorate my very first babe-scribbled birthday card.

That the birthday isn't even over- the celebrations are planned for tomorrow and Saturday.

Let this be a lesson to you: Even if you are celebrating your birthday on another day you STILL need to do SOMETHING on your actual birthday so that you don't feel small and sad and then get pissed at yourself for feeling small and sad.

Or maybe you are a better person than me.


Anonymous said...

My birthday is in December, but I am leaving to go out of town the next day. I wasn't going to get a cake because I didn't want to deal with the left-overs. But those cupcakes look perfect. I'm definitely getting some for my birthday!

clueless but hopeful mama said...

Oh seriously, if you live in the LA area (or anywhere on the west coast, really), you've got to try Auntie Em's cupcakes. The link shows the carrot cake but the red velvet are even better.


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