
Sugar coma prevents full sentences.

Easter: Ate too much candy and was, once again, shocked at the guilt/headache/stomach churn it produces (me).

Disinterested in egg dying but SOOO excited about finding hidden eggs, complete with hands over eyes and an excited "HIDING!" (Z).

Dinner lately: Vacillating between making that damned frozen Trader Joe's gnocci for the billionth time and spending at least an hour making some supposed 30 minute meal (who exactly has all the ingredients already chopped?!?!) while shaking the whiny toddler off my leg and repeating "Mommy can't pick you up right now. Please go play with YOUR stove." for the gazillionth time. (me)

Refusing to eat anything but gnocci, hard boiled eggs and bread. (Z)

The zoo on a hot day: *grumble* this place is too hot, too crowded and kinda sad.*grumble* (me)

I wanna see a "monkey/lion/elephant!!" ACK! *CLING* "SCARED" of monkey/lion/elephant. (Z).

Watermelon: It's messy but reasonably healthy (me) and boy does it taste good on a hot spring day (Z).


Anonymous said...

The zoo is pretty sad, especially on a hot afternoon when all the animals are just lying in the shade. I need to remember to go first thing in the morning when they (and I) have some energy, and it's less crowded.

Anonymous said...

I am so impressed you even try cooking dinner when Zoe is underfoot. I don't even try it unless Kevin is home to distract Mira. Mira does the same thing Zoe does and begs to be picked up while clinging to my leg. I then have to put my knife down as I am always worried it will land on her head. This of course means that Mira eats leftovers ALL THE TIME. But they are still healthy, right??

Oh! and my Italian daughter is refusing to eat pasta... WTF!?! Here I thought it was the easy, no fuss, no planning required toddler food...

P.S. We miss your Easter party every year... :(

Sarah said...

Mmm, watermelon. Everytime I've been pregnant I have craved it hardcore, and that last picture about made me drool. Of course, here it's still a "wintery mix" so I don't think summer produce is in the cards just yet. It's just not good when it's hothouse.

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