

On long rainy afternoons, we play down in the basement. Z dumps her tiny choke-able Legos onto the carpet and I create a barricade with pillows and my body, leaving E on the other side with the bigger, safer toys. E ignores the toys strewn all around her and makes an attempt on my stronghold. Grabbing my pants with her pinch-y hands and her drool-y mouth, she pulls herself up onto her knees, peering over my legs to see the prizes on the other side. Grunting, struggling, inching, she is determined. I try to focus her on the excitement of the crinkly birdies! and plastic rattle phones! and felted wool balls! and she wants none of it.

When I adjust, just a little, she makes her move, catapulting herself over the top of my thighs headfirst into the bin of tiny Legos.

And I hear in my head: "Charge!"



There is this spot on the back of her head, where all the hairs stand up, as if charged by electricity. The baby-fine, light brown hairs, with uneven never-cut edges that have touched my insides, only lie down when wet. Sometimes, when she's nursing, I stroke that spot, those hairs, and watch them spring back up over and over again. She doesn't mind this. I wonder how long she won't mind this.

Sometimes, after her bath, I smooth her wet hair. Ragged wispy bangs get swept to the side, tall hairs in back get pressed down.

They will not stay pressed down.

As her hair dries, it rises slowly. One hair at first, then a few more. Finally they all stand at attention, driven by some hidden energy source below.

It is quite an energy source.

Hey E, Kate Gosselin called. She wants her old hairdo back.


Fran said...

Pattie's hair did that!! She looked like she had put her finger in a light socket. It was so cute and I cried a little bit the day it all fell over from its own weight. We called her "Rock Star Baby" I should send you a picture of it...too sweet!

Marie Green said...

She is so adorable with that sticky-upy hair, I can't even stand it.

Also, in that first photo in the 2nd section (got it? she's looking up towards the left) it looks like the light in the background is a giant breast that she's studying.

Hillary said...

Oh, the softness of uncut baby hair! Cutting The Boy's hair didn't bother me until I ran my hand over his head. Then I teared up a bit. His hair wasn't soft any more. It felt like a rough little boy's head.

I rub The Lad's satiny little skull every time I nurse him. He has a double crown that makes a little tuft of hair sometimes stick up like Alfalfa's signature hairdo.

GratefulTwinMom said...

hahahahahahahahha Kate Gosselin wants her hair back--indeed.....

Amy said...

These photos of E are beautiful. I love the image of stroking her hair while bfing and her not minding. I used to scrape Bug's craddle cap off while nursing and she didn't mind one bit. That image isn't as cute as yours but it still tugs at my heartstrings anyway.

Bird said...

Oh the hair! How wonderful to have hair like that. Its as though she's saying "I'm spunky" with just her hair. Also, way to rock the stars outfit, E.

MoreSimplyHuman said...

I know motherhood just totally sucks the life out of you...(or me, anyhow)...but DAMN SISTA, you are GOOD AT IT!!! Just look at those beautiful, happy girls...

EllenAC6 said...

the amazing energy source has got to be those awesome cheeks!

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